Happy New Year!!!
If you’re like many Americans, you’re starting off the New Year with a resolution to improve your health. As you work towards your resolution, consider one additional step to maintain your health: fire prevention. The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and Limestone Fire are urging everyone to make 2016 a healthy and fire-safe year.
Most people say they feel safest at home. But data shows 83% of all fire deaths in the U.S. happen in homes.
Follow these tips to ring in fire safety this New Year:
• Make sure your home is protected by working smoke alarms. Half of all home fire deaths happen at night, when people are sleeping.
• Test your smoke alarms once a month, and replace your smoke alarms when they’re 10 years old.
• Cooking is the main cause of home fires and home fire injuries. Make safety your first ingredient; stay in the kitchen when you are cooking at high temperatures. Fires start when the heat gets too high. If you see any smoke or grease starts to boil, turn the burner off.
• If you have children living in your home or visiting look for fire and burn dangers from their point of view. Never leave lighters or matches where children can reach them.
For additional fire safety information, visit USFA. Follow USFA on social media @usfire and on Facebook.