Starting March 3rd, Roger County Commissions orders a burn ban fo the next 14 days (Resolution 2017-196). Gas and charcoal grills with no open exposed flames and hooded cooking area are allowed. A burn ban discussion was already on the agenda for Monday, March 6th Board of County Commissioners meeting. When they will will re-evaluate the situation at that time.
Based on Oklahoma law, the ban makes it unlawful for any person to set fire to any forest, grass, range, crop or other wildlands, to build a campfire or bonfire, or to burn trash or other material that could cause a forest, grass, range, crop or other wildlands fire in Rogers County.
Failure to observe this ban may result in criminal prosecution under O.S. Title 2 Article 16 § 26, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.