Current Bid Opportunities

Limestone Fire Protection District is seeking a written quote from a qualified, licensed, and insured contractor to bid on the following Projects:

Bid #: (Addendum)Description:Response Deadline:
2021-04 Fire Station #1 Concrete and Grading Construction 12/12/2021
 2017-04Extend South Driveway at Station 308/04/2017
 2017-05Driveway-Parking Lot at Station 208/04/2017
 2017-06LFPD 2017-06 Sidewalk at Station 108/04/2017

A quote on contractor/vendor letterhead must be received electronically (email or fax) or U.S. Mail by Response Deadline, 5:00 pm. Any quote received after the required time and date specified for receipt shall be considered late and non-responsive. Any late quotes will not be evaluated for award. If submitted electronically, e-mail to  or Fax 918 343-2302 with the subject line to read Request for Quote – [Description] Mailing Address: 5262 E Hwy 20, Claremore, OK 74019 Attn: Edward Bell

Further information may be obtained by calling the District Office at (918) 341-6430 or email at .

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