UPDATED: Limestone Fire Protection District Board of Directors, Claremore, OK, has authorized liquidation of surplus property by sealed bid. Item(s) offered for sale include: Bid forms and specifications: Bid No. 2018-01 1970 Pirsch 85-foot Ladder Truck Buyers who are interested in making an offer for the purchase of this 1970 Pirsch… Continue reading


Limestone Fire Protection District Board of Directors, Claremore, OK, has authorized the liquidation of surplus property by sealed bid. Item(s) offered for sale include: Bid forms and specifications: Bid No. 2018-02 2003 Ford F550 Brush Truck Bid No. 2018-03 2005 Ford F550 Brush Truck A sealed bid must be received by Friday, March 9, 2018,… Continue reading

Current Bid Opportunities

Limestone Fire Protection District is seeking a written quote from a qualified, licensed, and insured contractor to bid on the following Projects: Bid #: (Addendum) Description: Response Deadline: 2021-04 Fire Station #1 Concrete and Grading Construction 12/12/2021  2017-04 Extend South Driveway at Station 3 08/04/2017  2017-05 Driveway-Parking Lot at Station 2 08/04/2017… Continue reading

Burn Ban in effect for Roger County until March 17th

Starting March 3rd, Roger County Commissions orders a burn ban fo the next  14 days (Resolution 2017-196).  Gas and charcoal grills with no open exposed flames and hooded cooking area are allowed.  A burn ban discussion was already on the agenda for Monday, March 6th Board of County Commissioners meeting.  … Continue reading


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING:  On Sunday, June 12, 2016, at 3:00 pm a public hearing will be held at Limestone Fire Protection District Station 1, 5262 East Highway 20. Claremore, OK; located in Southwest Corner of Rogers County.  Pursuant to O.S.S 19-901.42 the Board of Directors will be meeting to… Continue reading